What is a solar cell


Before discussing solar power generation system, will first be briefly described a critical component in this system that serves as a change of the energy of sunlight into electrical energy.

Solar power generated by the solar cell component called the amount of about 10 ~ 15 cm square. This component converts the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. Solar cell is a vital component which is generally made of semiconductor materials. multicrystalline silicon is the material most widely used in the solar cell industry. Multicrystalline and monocrystalline silicon yield higher relative efficiencies than amorphous silicon.

While amorphus silicon used because lower relative costs. Apart from the above non-organic material also used molecules organik. as one measure of performance is the efficiency of the solar cell. That is the percentage change in the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. The efficiency of solar cells now produced highly variable.

Monocrystalline silicon has an efficiency of 12 ~ 15%. Multicrystalline silicon has an efficiency of 10 ~ 13%. Amorphous silicon has an efficiency of 6 ~ 9%. But with the invention of new methods of multicrystalline silicon present efficiency can reach 16.0% while monocrystalline can reach more than 17%. Even in a conference in September 2000, the company Sanyo announced that they will produce solar cells have an efficiency of 20.7%. This is a good efficiency. electricity generated by a solar cell is very small then some solar cell must be combined, forming a unit called a module component.

Products are issued by the solar cell industries are in module form, because the electric power generated by the module is still quite small (maximum average power generated 130 W), then the utilization of multiple modules are combined and formed the so-called array . For example, to generate the electricity needed by 3 kW array of approximately 20 ~ 30 square meters. More clearly, using the production module are numbered Sharp NE-J130A series that has an efficiency of 15.3% is needed to generate electricity spacious 23.1m2 at 3:00 kW. The amount you want to install solar capacity

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