Steps Overcoming Energy Solar Electric Systems
One of the major misconceptions associated with investing in a solar electric system is that it's only affordable for the more affluent households. Here we'll look at the steps you can take to overcome the objections most people have regarding the cost of investing in a solar energy system.
1. Decide When Is The Right Time To Buy A Solar Energy System
If you're on the fence about whether or not to purchase solar, there has never been a better time than right now to do so for several reasons, among them the amazingly generous rebates and incentives available, and the fact that the technology is so much more efficient and affordable than ever.
Take the above steps when looking at the cost of going solar and I'm pretty sure that once you've gathered all the facts and looked at all the available options and done your due diligence, you'll find that solar is such a benefit to you and the planet that the cost will become a much less prohibitive consideration.
2. Determine The Payback Period
The "payback period" refers to the amount of time it will take before the savings you realize on your electricity bill amount to the total cost of a solar electric system. Currently this is estimated to be from 5 to 10 years depending on the type of system installed, but, as the technology improves, this will no doubt improve in the future. But, even at current estimates, when you consider that most solar panels carry a production warranty of 20-30 years, your system will continue to produce free electricity for at least another 10 years beyond the payback period. Considering that the cost of fossil fuel electricity will continue to increase, that could amount to a substantial amount of money going back into your pocket.
3. Look Into The Availability Of Rebates And Incentives
A lot of people are either unaware or never bother to find out about the fact that the U.S. government is offering sizable rebates and tax incentives to anyone investing in solar and renewable energy. With global warming and the rapidly declining supply of fossil fuels being such high-profile subjects not only in the U.S.A. but also worldwide, the U.S. government is promoting faster and more widespread adoption of solar and renewable energy technologies and is offering these rebates and incentives to encourage more people to adopt these technologies.
Many states are also offering rebates and incentives and you should check with your state to find out what's available. For example, California has instituted the California Solar Initiative, which offers tiered rebates depending on the amount of electricity a new solar energy system is expected to generate.
A relatively recent initiative introduced by some companies has been to offer a lease option on new solar systems with zero down. This option allows more people who aren't in a position financially to purchase a system to take advantage of solar energy and begin realizing cost and energy savings almost immediately.
4. Look At Maintenance Costs
There are no moving parts to a PV system, so there should be no mechanical costs to maintain. The only costs you should expect to incur to maintain your system involve cleaning the panels and occasionally inspecting the system to ensure peak performance. If any nearby trees or foliage cause shading on the panels, they should be trimmed to avoid degrading your system's performance.
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Positive Energy Solar Electric Systems